Friday, August 25, 2017


What a week! The solar eclipse was amazing and such a cool reminder of how AWESOME our God is! Our week was filled with lots of learning. We continued to learn classroom procedures. We also began math, literacy centers, and our unit on maps and why we need them.

Enjoying a hot picnic on Solar Eclipse Day

The sun is changing!

Working at a Solar Eclipse Station

We learned the Story of Creation and the kids worked with a partner to design one of the 7 days of creation. 

Practice with writing complete sentences. They need a capital letter and an end mark!

Centers: Sorting words with the long and short e sound

Spelling Center

We learned how to play Spelling City this week--an app to help us practice our spelling words

The kids designed a compass in social studies

On Friday, the kids worked together to create a map

They had to follow directions very carefully. This was tricky for some groups, but they managed to problem solve a solution!

In shared reading this week, we read a short poem called Junk Art. So, to make a connection to our reading, on Friday, the kids had the opportunity to make some junk art of their own. They came up with some very creative designs!

Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Memory: First Article of the Apostle’s Creed- I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth
Spelling: ack: hack, tack, shack, attack, rack, smack, lack, quack, black, backpack
Phonics: Long and Short A
Grammar: Types of Sentences (declarative, exclamatory, interrogative)
Reading: Author's Purpose (persuade, inform, entertain)
Math: Test Friday
Social Studies:We will continue our study of maps branching out towards the world map, names of continents and oceans, and then narrowing into where we are located on the map
Writing: Write to Inform: Friend Interview

Important News and Information:
-AR (accelerated reader) will start on Monday, 8/28. A point goal will be sent home with each student on Monday. First quarter point goals will be due on Thursday, Oct. 12th. A letter with information about how to connect to the AR system for parents will also be sent home on Monday. 
-Spelling tests are graded and in homework folders. I circled letters that look capitalized that should be lower case. On the first few tests of the year, I do not count off for this. However, after our first 3 tests, I will begin to count off a 1/2 point for each letter that is capitalized. 
-No School Labor Day Monday, Sept. 4th. 

Friday, August 18, 2017

Reflecting on our Week:
We had a great first 3 days of school this week. It was so much fun to meet your kids and finally begin our school year. We spent the week learning classroom procedures, doing team building and cooperative learning activities, and getting accustomed to being in 2nd grade.

Getting to know our classmates

The kids found out they have a lot of things in common!

Brainstorming what they hope to learn in 2nd grade

After reading "First Day Jitters", we made Jitter Juice to help take our first day jitters away

The kids created a clay sculpture to teach the class something about themselves

Silent Reading

Enjoying some good books during Silent Reading

During writing time, oftentimes the kids can sit around the room to be comfortable as they write. 

They had some awesome stories to write about from their summers!

In Science, we explored different types of science tools and their uses

Discovering uses for magnifying glasses :)

Mrs. Helmkamp came to teach us about the Solar Eclipse

STEM Marshmallow Challenge

All groups had interesting ideas

However, each group didn't give up!

Each group was successful!

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

Memory: (be ready to recite the verse on Friday) "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God." Ephesians 2:8
Spelling: (test on Friday)  ip / ug/ aw: dip, slip, flip, trip, drug, plug, tug, dug, paw, straw
Phonics: Long and Short E
Grammar: Sentences
Reading: Introduction to Literacy Centers
Math: We will begin having math homework on Tuesday. There will never be math homework on Fridays (or over the weekend)
Science/Social Studies: What is a map and why are they important? We will have a short vocabulary quiz on Friday over the words: map, compass rose, and key
Writing: Prewriting

Important News and Information:

-in homework folders today is information about each student's google account, along with a spelling list for next week. In the "Return to School" side of the folder is a digital citizenship agreement. Since the kids are in 2nd grade, this will need to be signed by a parent and returned to school.  Please return this agreement by Friday, August 25th. This agreement will allow your child to use our technology at school. Our technology advisor, Mrs. Helmkamp, will come to our classroom next week to introduce the kids to digital citizenship. 

-Monday is the much anticipated Solar Eclipse! If your child is at school, they will need to bring a towel labeled with their name to school. If they are bringing cold lunch, it must be peanut free. We are excited to see this amazing event with our special solar eclipse glasses!

-Tuesday night from 6:30-8pm is Back to School Night. Stop by our classroom for a 20 minute session to learn about more about 2nd grade. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Welcome to the 2017/2018 School Year!

Welcome everyone to the 2017-2018 school year! I am very excited for the school year to begin.

Be sure to check out our class blog on a weekly basis for updates, reminders, and information about what we are up to in 2B. Also, be on the lookout for a postcard mailed to your child welcoming them to our class.

Next Week's Events:
--Open House is Monday 8/14 from 2-7pm. Come on by to check out our classroom and to drop off school supplies for the year. Students will also get their picture taken for the yearbook in the gym. Various booths will be set up in the commons, so be sure to check those out as well!
           --I will have permanent markers at open house to label your child's initials on their crayons, colored pencils, and markers. If you have time to label these before open house, I recommend doing so, as it can take quite a while. Having their name on each of these individual items helps a lot when things fall on the floor throughout the school year!

--First Day of School is Wednesday 8/16. It will be a full day of school with dismissal at 3pm.