Friday, January 15, 2016


This week in 2nd grade, we learned about nonfiction text features. The kids had a good time exploring and reading a part of the classroom library that has been largely overlooked up to this point. We also spent a small portion of every day learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and the dream he had to help make the world a better place. The kids all brainstormed their own dreams of how the world could become a better place. Their dreams were very sweet, many of them centering around people being kind to everyone around them, and also spreading God's message to the entire world. Maybe one day, their dreams will come true:)
Sorting Words by their sounds

Sorting Words by their sounds

Nonfiction Text Features Poster

Nonfiction Text Features Poster

Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Memory:The Second Commandment: You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
 “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”     Matthew 28:20
SpellingLesson 19 Chunk ai: air, train, chair, laid, fair, rain, mail, brain, paid, obtain
Grammar and Phonics: ABC Order, Abbreviations
Reading: We will be doing a lit study over the novel, Stone Fox.  We will also be talking about fact and opinion.
Math: We will be doing math centers so I can have a chance to meet with small groups to check in on their math skills. We will also do a lesson or two with homework, most likely on Wednesday and Thursday. 
Science: We will have our Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Test on Wednesday. A test review sheet was sent home on Friday. 
Writing: Opinion Writing 

Important News and Information
-No School on Monday, January 18th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. 
-Scholastic Book Orders will be due next Friday, Jan. 22nd. 
-2nd Grade will be singing at the 10:30 am service on Sunday Jan. 24th. 
-National Lutheran Schools Week is coming up with many fun events and dress up days. This week will be Jan. 25th-29th. It will kick off with an open house on Sunday Jan. 24th from 1-3pm. 
-We will dismiss at noon on Wed. Feb. 4th for a teacher in-service day.