Enjoying the beautiful weather after Achievement Tests |
We painted Easter eggs inspired by the intricate patterns of traditional Russian Easter eggs |
Miss Kirby's classroom had baby chicks that we visited! |
Paper airplanes with Ms. Buerges's 5th grade class |
Read and Relax Friday was well deserved |
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Memory: The Tenth Commandment- You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Spelling: obe/atch:
globe, robes, earlobe, latched, matching, latch, patch, catcher, ratchet, scratch
Grammar/Phonics: Review of commas
Reading: Stories of Courage
Math: Written Test, 25 subtraction facts test (2 1/2 minute timed test), and 70 subtraction facts test (5 minute timed test) will be on Wednesday
Science: Chapter 12 Lesson 3 Light. We will not have a written test for this lesson.
Writing: Stories of Courage
Important News and Information:
-We will not have school on Good Friday 3/25. Friday marks the beginning of Easter Break. School will resume Monday, April 4th.
-The School Musical for grades 1-3 will be on Thursday, April 21st. Please have your child arrive in the church basement at 6:30pm. The musical will begin at 7pm.
-We have a small wishlist for our classroom: We are in need of dry erase markers and 20 manilla file folders for our classroom.
Also, if you do any spring cleaning this weekend and come across magazines you no longer want, our classroom will gladly take them:) We need magazines for a project next week about courage.
-Some information about Titus Tuesday coming up: Ladies, please join us for a Titus 2'sday evening! Tuesday, March 29, 6:30-8:30 pm. Topic: Women’s Health. Presented by the Women’s Center of Barnes-Jewish St. Peters and Progress West Foundation. Free admission, refreshments and Christian fellowship. Invite a friend! Titus 2’sday is a women’s mentoring ministry based on Titus 2:3, which reads: "Teach the older women to…teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women.” www.zionharvesterwomensnetwork.org. For childcare, please contact Sue Bredow at sbredow@hotmail.com before March 22.