Memory: Advent Parts
Spelling: ing/ink: bring, sing, wing, fling, string, link, drink, pink, think, shrink
Grammar/Phonics: Irregular Past Tense Verbs
Reading: We will continue our study on Protagonist and Antagonist characters
Math: Next week we will learn about number lines, angles in a polygon, and the associative property of addition. No test next week.
Science/Social Studies: Pollution and how it affects our natural resources/how we can prevent pollution . We will have a test on Wednesday, and a study guide will be sent home on Monday.
Writing: Persuasive Writing
Important News and Information:
-We only have about 2 1/2 weeks left of 2nd quarter, which means that 2nd quarter AR goals need to be met soon! The last day to take AR tests for this quarter will be Tuesday 12/20
-Chapel services for the month of December begin at 10am in celebration of Advent. There are also services at 7pm if you can't make it to the 10am service.
-1st and 2nd grade will have their advent service on Wednesday, 12/14 at 10am and 7pm. Kids were given the script for our advent service. This is a more difficult advent service than what we have done in the past. It is set up as more of a play, and so some students have longer parts than others. The speaking parts are longer, and some kids have more than one part. Please help your children practice and memorize these parts at home! We will also be practicing some in the classroom, and will have several whole group practices in the church.
-Book orders were sent home today. I will be placing the order next Wednesday. These make fantastic gifts! If you would like your order to be a surprise, please let me know, and I will give the books directly to you!
Making symmetry art to teach us about symmetry |
Some awesome symmetrical art! |
Practicing our past tense verbs with a partner |
The kids looked at different examples of pollution and decided if it was land, air, or water pollution |
Freddy the Fish was a very happy fish until one day when people polluted his water :( Next week we will do a STEM activity to attempt to clean up Freddy's polluted water |