Friday, March 6, 2015

Week 28

    This week we began learning about plants in science. We began attempting to grow bean plants in a baggie with only a wet paper towel, air, and sunlight. The kids had to make a hypothesis on whether or not the plants would grow. We will continue to observe any changes to the beans this coming week. We also learned about pollination through a fun science "experience." The kids became pollinators and all were attracted to the scent and taste of their juice bottle flowers. They then got to eat their cheeto pollen and then flew around to other flowers, spreading their pollen wherever they flew.
    To celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday, we also read many Dr. Seuss books and designed and painted our own Dr. Seuss inspired character.
    Today we had a presentation from First Community Credit Union. The kids learned about the famous faces on money, about the importance of saving money, and left with a goodie bag complete with a dollar coin.
Will the beans grow?


Spreading Pollen Everywhere

Dr. Seuss inspired Paintings

Youth Finance Program

Youth Finance Program

Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Memory: 9th Commandment- You shall not covet your neighbor's house
Spelling: Lesson 24 Chunk -ou, -ow
Grammar/Phonics: Onomatopoeia and review of Adverbs
Reading: Comic Books
Writing: Personal Narratives
Science: Chapter 1 TEST Wednesday
Math: Lessons 106-109

-Next Friday 3/12 is Grandparent's Day and we will dismiss at noon. Be sure to return the blue dismissal forms by then!