Friday, February 27, 2015

Week 27

This week we delved deeper into the topic of persuasion. We watched several different types of commercials, and learned different approaches advertisers use to sell their products. The kids then created posters, writings, and even commercials to persuade others to buy their products at Market Day on Friday. Market Day was a blast! I had a lot of fun watching the kids conduct their businesses!

Next Week:
Memory: 8th Commandment
                1 John 3:18
Spelling: Lesson 23, chunk ou, ow
Grammar/Phonics: Sentences and plural nouns review
Reading: Main Idea/ Dr. Seuss
Math: Test Friday
Science: Chapter 1: Plants
             We will have the chapter Test the following week.
Writing: Personal Narratives

Others News:
-This coming Friday, March 6, we will have a special in school field trip. A bank representative will be coming into the classroom to have a fun youth finance program with the kids.
-In your child's Friday folder is information about Grandparent's Day on Friday, March 13th. This will be a half day, and we will dismiss at noon. In the folder are two invitations for your child to give to grandparents or another special person such as a parent or an aunt or uncle, to invite them to spend the day at school. The blue dismissal form must be returned by Friday March 13!
-February Book It forms are due on Monday, March 2
-Zion will be having their book fair from March 9-13. 2nd graders will have a chance to walk through and buy books on Wednesday March 11.
Ladies, join us for Titus 2’sday
WHAT: Titus 2’sday is a women's mentoring ministry.  We are blessed to announce that our guest speaker team for this year’s opening event is coming in from Seward, Nebraska: Jessica Brashear is a former counselor, a married mother of three, and a published blogger.  She and her mother, Susan Biel, are both wonderful Christian mentoring moms. They will present Parenting Through the Years.  Moms of young and old, as well as friends of moms will benefit from this special presentation and open forum.
WHEN: Tuesday, MARCH 31st, 6:30-8:30pm.
WHERE:  Zion Lutheran Church, 3866 S. Old Hwy 94, St. Charles, 63304. 636-441-7425
Admission is free and refreshments are provided.  We look forward to seeing you there!