Friday, February 26, 2016


This week, we learned about what elements make a fairytale story special. We read several different fairytale stories, and the kids wrote to retell about each one. I saw a lot of improvement as the week went on! We also painted fairytale castles for art. We spent time this week getting ready for Market Day, which turned out to be very successful! The kids had a lot of fun selling their goods, and shopping for goods of their own.
Below, you can watch their commercials that advertised their Market Day business.

Clue and Face Painting


Glow in the Dark Playdough and Easter Eggs

Headbands, light saber pencils, and cross crystals

Tattoos and Hair Extensions

Light Sabers and Portraits

Garage Sale and Art

Crafts, Purses, Bobcat Spirit Buttons

Garage Sale


Mr. Debrick even stopped by!

Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Memory: The Eight Commandment: You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.      1 John 3:18
Spelling: ock/out: clock, blocked, dock, shock, stock, knock, about, shout, scouting, sprouted
Grammar: Quotation Marks
Reading: Cinderella Stories
Math: We will be learning about two digit subtraction, We will begin to have timed subtraction tests that build up each week until we reach 100 subtraction math facts. We will begin with a 60 question fact test on Friday. The kids will have 4 minutes to complete it. A written test and a regular 25 fact subtraction test will also be given Friday. If anything changes in that schedule, I will let you know!
Science: Magnets, We will have a test on Friday and a study guide will go home on Monday
Writing: Narratives (Tooth Stories), and Opinion Writing (Proving why one version of Cinderella is the best version)

Important News and Information:
-2nd grade sings at the Saturday night (5pm) service at Zion next Saturday 3/5
-The end of 3rd quarter is only TWO weeks away! I've been encouraging kids to keep reading to meet their AR goals.
-Grandparents Day is Fri. March 11th. We will dismiss at noon. Please make sure to return your dismissal forms by next Fri. 3/4
-Thank you for bringing in so many box tops! Our class won the prize!!! What a great way to serve our school!