Memory: The Seventh Commandment- You shall not steal.
Spelling: an/00: thankful, bank, tank, shrank, cookie, wood, cocoon, proof, gloomy, balloon
Grammar: Adverbs
Phonics: Adding a suffix to words ending in y, abc order review
Reading: We will be learning about Presidents in honor of President's Day, we will also begin to study fairytales
Math: We will have a written test, and a 25 subtraction fact test on Thursday
Social Studies: Ch. 7 Who Provides Services in a Community?
Writing: If I were President...
Important News and Information:
-No school on Monday for President's Day!
-3rd Quarter is flying by! I placed your child's AR quiz information in folders today. Please check to see how they are doing in reaching their goals. The last day to take AR quizzes will be Thursday, March 9th.
-Market Day will take place on Friday, March 3rd. This is a very fun day for 2nd grade! We will begin to learn about jobs in communities, and how we can be good consumers. Market Day gives the kids a chance to demonstrate their learning. Look for an informational letter sent home in folders today! Please let me know if you have any questions!!
-Yearbooks can be ordered online now through March 3rd. See the flyer sent home in folders today for more information!
-Spring Auction Round Up is coming Feb 27th-March 3rd! The committee is looking for donations for the Zion School Auction April 7, 2017 at Old Hickory. The class with the most donations will receive 30 minutes of extra time in the gym! Need donation ideas? Grab a leaf with a donation idea off one of the Auction Trees the week before round up to help you shop. Monetary donations are also accepted and any help is appreciated! Thank you for your generosity!
-We are in need of sharpened pencils! Our supply is running very low. Any donations are greatly appreciated:)
Painting hearts inspired by Jim Dine |
Our Valentine's party included a service project |
Painting Valentine's |
And lots of fun games! |
Thank you to our room parents for such a fun and successful party! |
We played a racing game to review for our science test |
Compound Word Day was a success! |
We did a STEM activity on Friday, where the kids designed and built a ramp. The goal was to make a freestanding ramp that could propel a marble forward |
Lots of teamwork was needed to be successful at this project! |
This group's marble went the furthest! |