Memory: The Sixth Commandment- You shall not commit adultery.
Spelling: alk/ea:
talk, stalk, talking, chalk, walked, steam, dream, scream, treat, teamwork
Grammar: Compound Words. Instead of a test on Friday, we will have a fun activity--Compound Word Day! An informational letter will be sent home on Monday, and I will send an email out with the same information on Monday as well.
Reading: Making Inferences
Math: We are finished with the 100 addition fact tests! I'm sure the kids will be very excited:) However, we are now moving on to subtraction. Each week we have a test, the subtraction tests will build up by 10 facts, until we get to 100 subtraction facts. This Friday, we will have a 50 fact subtraction test. The goal is for the kids is to be able to finish all 50 facts in 4 minutes. Please practice at home with your child!
Science: We will finish up Chapter 10 about forces. A study guide will go home on Monday, and we will have our test on Thursday. This test is longer than previous science tests, as it covers three chapters rather than just one. We will review in class, but the kids will need to study at home as well!
Writing: Opinion Writing
Important News and Information:
-Valentine's Day is Tuesday, Feb. 14th. We will have a party in the afternoon. If your child wishes to bring Valentines for their classmates, please make sure they have one to give to everyone. We have 20 students in our class.
-No school next Mon. Feb. 20 for President's Day.
Important News and Information:
-Valentine's Day is Tuesday, Feb. 14th. We will have a party in the afternoon. If your child wishes to bring Valentines for their classmates, please make sure they have one to give to everyone. We have 20 students in our class.
-No school next Mon. Feb. 20 for President's Day.