Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Memory: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
Spelling: ide/eat:  ride, side, wide, slide, hide, beat, heat, seat, meat, treat
Phonics: A Vowel Teams
Grammar: Proper Nouns in Cities, Towns, States, and Titles
Reading: Plot--Beginning, Middle, End
Math: Test Friday
Science: How the Earth Changes Quickly. We will be learning about many different natural disasters. Our final project for this unit will take place the week of Oct. 30
Writing: Write to Persuade--What is the best type of Halloween candy?

Important News and Information:
-Scholastic Book Orders went home on Wednesday. I will place the order next Wednesday, 10/25. You can place your order using the Scholastic link on the side of the blog. 
-We are going to the Art Museum on Friday, 10/27. Please remember to send your child to school wearing their red Zion t-shirts, with a peanut free lunch in hand:) 
-We are having our Harvest Party on Friday, 10/27. Thank you room moms for organizing our class party! We will be making tie blankets to donate to Project Linus. Check out the organization on 
-Next week is also Red Ribbon Week: Dress Up Days are as follows-----
Monday: Messy Hair day, Messy hair don't care about drugs. The students can come to school with messy hair.
Tuesday: Twin Day, Keep your double out of trouble. You can wear the same shirt or color as your friend.
Wednesday: Calling Drew’s Avengers! - Wear a Super Hero Shirt and jeans
This year we are collecting Chapel offerings to support Friends of Kids with Cancer.  On Wednesday, October 25 we will be having a special offering collection of super hero items to honor Drew Albrittons' 8th birthday.  Drew was a preschooler here at Zion who bravely fought cancer and now is with the biggest superhero of all, Jesus! 
Please bring your superhero items to chapel on Wednesday October 25.
Action figures, costumes, toys, movies, backpacks, Lego sets, video games, shirts, or any items with a super hero theme are all welcome.
Thursday: Lumberjack day, Chop drugs out of your life. Wear a flannel shirt.
Friday: Red Day, In Christ I Stand, against drugs. Spirit shirt and jeans.

Looking for Horizontal, Vertical, and Oblique lines around our classroom

Playing a syllable game

Syllable game

Working with a group to brainstorm ways to solve erosion problems

Our class practiced our reader's theater skit, "The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything" all week. On Wednesday, they got to perform it in front of Mrs. Stanglein's preschool class. They did a great job!