Friday, October 27, 2017


Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Memory: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
Spelling: ope/ord: rope, hope, mope, slope, cope, word, open, sword, chord, afford
Phonics: vowel teams-- ee, y, ea
Grammar: Plural Nouns  s and es ending
Reading: Problem and Solution
Math: Test Friday
Science: How Earth Changes Quickly--Natural Disasters. The students will be working on a project this week to demonstrate their knowledge of natural disasters
Writing: Write to Inform about a Natural Disaster

Important News and Information:

-The Thanksgiving Food Drive is quickly approaching. The food drive will take place on Wed. Nov. 15th. Instead of bringing a normal monetary chapel offering, the school is asked to donate various foods to be donated to Seminary families. 2nd grade is asked to donate Stuffing and boxed potatoes (mashed, sweet, slices, etc.)

-Noon Dismissal is coming up on Wed., Nov. 8th.

-Muffins for Moms is also coming up on Wed., Nov. 8th.

-World Sport Stacking Day will be held on Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017.  On this day people all over the world will be spending at least 30 minutes stacking cups in an effort to once again set a Guinness World Record for the “Most People Sport Stacking in Multiple Locations on one Day”.  Zion has participated in this activity for the past 10 years and we’ve always helped set a new record. This year’s goal is 640,000 stackers. We will have about 250 kids and a few adults adding to that total number.

If you can volunteer on Thursday, Nov. 2017 please email Mrs. Steinbacher at

2017 World Sport Stacking Day Schedule- Thursday, Nov. 9

8:10-8:45                   4E and 4M
8:50-9:25                   5C and 5CC
9:30-10:05                3B and 3K
10:25-11:00              6R and 6P
12:05-12:40              1B and 1T
12:45-1:20                2B and 2S

Crazy hair day phonics practice

STUCO members presenting on Red Ribbon Week 

Working together to make birthday cards for a friend

We taste tested apples in math this week and graphed our favorites

Art Museum field trip:)

So Cute!

Making blankets for Project Linus 

Harvest Party Snack Bags

Harvest Party Pumpkins

Harvest Party Tic-Tac-Toe