Memory: Advent Parts: Your child's part for our Advent service is in their homework folders today. They need to have their part memorized for their memory grade this coming week. I will take this for a grade on Friday.
Spelling: ing/ink: bring, sing, wing, fling, string, link, drink, pink, think, shrink
Phonics: Review of Long Vowel Teams
Grammar: Irregular Past Tense Verbs
Reading: Protagonist and Antagonist
Math: Test Wednesday
Science: We will be finishing up our natural resources unit with a pic collage project. We will briefly talk about soil and then will begin a unit on pollution.
Writing: Write to Persuade
Important News and Information:
-Our chapel offerings this school year have been going to Friends of Kids with Cancer. For our Christmas service project, our class will pair up with Mrs. Smith's class to collect items for an 8 year old girl named Riley. Riley recently lost her sister to cancer. Any gifts provided should be wrapped and labeled. All gifts are due on Dec. 18th.
Items Riley is asking for this year:
-gift cards to restaurants and grocery stores
-clothes in size 9, shoes in size 3.
-bike helmet
-fluffy bean bag chair
-gift card to make a blanket with a picture collage of her sister
-a bed spread for her room (her room is Paris themed)
-Riley's favorite color is pink and bright colors, she loves angels because of her sister getting her wings, she also loves dragonflies
-2nd Grade Advent Service will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 20th at 10 am and at 7pm in the church sanctuary. Each child has a speaking part which will take the place of their memory work for the next two weeks. This part is in their homework folders.
-Last day for AR tests for 2nd quarter is Wednesday, Dec. 20th.
We learned about different types of rocks and observed their different properties. The kids then compared and contrasted the various types of rocks they observed. |
In math, we used geoboards to talk about polygons and the number of angels each type of polygon had. |
During one of our brainbreaks this week, we did a yoga deep breathing activity |
When they were finished, the geologists got to eat their rocks too:) |
Geologists were at work removing the "minerals" from the "rocks" |
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The second group of students were able to work with Mrs. Helmkamp this week coding our little robot! |