Memory: Continue to practice their Advent parts
Spelling: all: hall, ball, call, stall, wall, mall, overall, rainfall, fallen, baseball
Grammar: Linking Verbs
Phonics: S Consonant Cluster
Reading: We will be reading our 2nd quarter whole class novel--The True Gift. We will be reading this book together and will be doing activities with the book throughout the week.
Math: Our math lessons have begun the 100 addition facts. The goal with this is for the kids to be able to finish their 100 math facts in 5 minutes or less. We will be working hard on accomplishing this goal at school. If your child struggles with finishing them quickly, I highly recommend having them practice with flashcards or with a fact app.
Science: We will be learning about pollution and how it affects our natural resources and our world. We will have a test over pollution on Wednesday with a study guide sent home on Monday.
Social Studies: We will learn about factories
Writing: Write to persuade
Important News and Information:
-We will begin practicing for our Advent service next week. Because of our Advent practice schedule, the kids will not have math homework every will depend on what we get to during the school day.
-Reminder that the last day to take AR tests this quarter will be Wednesday, Dec. 20th.
-1st-2nd grade Advent service will be at 10am and 7pm on Wednesday, Dec. 20th.
-Our chapel offerings this school year have been going to Friends of Kids with Cancer. For our Christmas service project, our class will pair up with Mrs. Smith's class to collect items for an 8 year old girl named Riley. Riley recently lost her sister to cancer. Any gifts provided should be wrapped and labeled. All gifts are due on Dec. 18th.
Items Riley is asking for this year:
-gift cards to restaurants and grocery stores
-clothes in size 9, shoes in size 3.
-bike helmet
-fluffy bean bag chair
-gift card to make a blanket with a picture collage of her sister
-a bed spread for her room (her room is Paris themed)
-Riley's favorite color is pink and bright colors, she loves angels because of her sister getting her wings, she also loves dragonflies
-Kids Helping Kids –
The fifth graders are trying to make a difference for one family whose 5 year old daughter is diagnosed with cancer. The kids will be selling hot chocolate and to raise money to buy Christmas gifts for the family of 7. Their goal is to be able to buy 3 gifts per child. To help reach their goal they will be selling hot chocolate on Tuesday and Wednesday next week after lunch. You can buy a cup for $1 before heading out for noon recess. Help us raise money while also staying warm.
The kids made symmetrical Christmas trees and splattered painted them to give the appearance of a snowy night. |
To review irregular past tense verbs, each student got a notecard with the present tense or past tense verb written on it. Then they had to find their match! |
Our scientists made observations over the three types of soil based on their sense of touch and sight |
The 3rd group of kids were able to work with Bob the robot this week. |