Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday May 15, 2015
The kids did a great job at their musical!

Proposing changes to meet the needs of a community

Proposing changes to meet the needs of a community

In math this week, the kids created a survey questions and 4 options, then went to a different classroom to conduct their survey. They completed the project by graphing the results. 

Memory: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.    
Romans 3:23
Spelling: We will be testing this week over 2nd grade high frequency words. We will have a pretest on Monday, and practice them in class, and then retest to see how much we improve!
Grammar/Phonics: Open and Closed Syllables, Review of parts of speech
Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall
Math: We have finished up on our tests, so we will be doing math centers most of the week
Social Studies: We will continue to learn about how communities change, and will begin a short project on summer vacations

News and Information:
-No school on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25
-Our last day of school will be Friday, May 29. This will be a no backpack day and we will dismiss at 10am.