Memory: Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. Matthew 24:35
Spelling: oi/ay: boil, foil, coil, point, choice, voice, join, away, display, replay
Reading: We will be reading a whole class novel: I Survived the San Fransisco Earthquake
Math: Test on Thursday. We will also test over our 100 subtraction facts with the goal of finishing in 6 minutes.
Social Studies: We will be learning about earthquakes, San Fransisco, and how a very strong earthquake changed that community
Writing: We will be finishing up our fractured fairytales from last week
Important News and Information:
-No school on Friday for Good Friday and the start of Easter Break.
-This week during our Faith Family Event we put together 160 care packages for Friends with Kids with Cancer. Thank you to Thrivent Financial for helping to pay for the items in the care packages. As a Faith Family, we studied Matthew 5:13-16 and were reminded that as Christians, we are the salt and light to the world. We pray these care packages will help in a small way ease the suffering of the kids who receive them and let them know that someone cares for them. It is good to work together and share God’s love. It was also good to celebrate baptismal birthdays in the months of March and April.
- If you are looking for services to attend over Easter weekend, Zion will have many to choose from: Maundy
Thursday –”Living
Last Supper” 3:30 PM and 7:00 PM – March 29
§ Good
Friday –
Tenebrae Services 3:30 PM and 7:00 PM – March 30
§ Easter
Vigil –
Saturday, March 31 at 5:00 PM
§ Easter Sunday
Services – 8
AM, 9:30 AM, and 11: 00 AM – April 1
Editing stories |
After a week of brainstorming and editing, on Friday, the kids were able to start working on their final copies. They are super excited to publish their very own book! |
We did math centers on Friday to review the skills we've been learning about throughout the week. |
Practicing telling and writing the time to the minute during math centers. |